Muriz Serifovic

Hi! — My work centers on advancing transformer models and multi-modal systems within machine learning. I deeply investigate the complex dynamics of stochastic gradient descent and the practical implications of overparameterized models. I enjoy writing code in Python and Julia.

Some side projects: DeepChef, Möbius Code Editor and Sharead.

My ha-index is greater than 80 (which is considered excellent).

research work.

latest from the blog.


Muriz Serifovic

Data Scientist/ Deep Learning Research

Hi! — I'm interested in neuroscience, climate science, computational and algebraic topology, topological data analysis and my research interests generally lie in classical statistical learning and deep learning. I enjoy writing code in Python.

Some side projects: DeepChef, Möbius Code Editor and Sharead.

My ha-index is greater than 80 (which is considered excellent).